

Documenting your components

If you're writing components that are shared between different teams, or even different developers, documenting your components is a must. And it's crazy simple!

2 min read


By Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk


December 15, 2017

When I'm not drinking wine and buying silly domain names, I'm working on a project in a pretty large corporation here in Norway. We have a component library that's shared between a ton of teams, and making sure those components are documented correctly saves a lot of time.

Meet react-styleguidist

Now, there are tons of tools that basically do the same thing, but I've had tons of great experience with react-styleguidist. This tool gives you two things at once - an isolated component development playground, and a simple way to create great docs!

To get started, install it, and add the following tasks to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "styleguide": "styleguidist server",
  "styleguide:build": styleguidist build"

The first command starts a local development server, which lets you develop your components without having to deal with the rest of your application, and the second generates a static HTML styleguide that you can expose to your fellow developers.

There's some setup you might have to do, but if you're using create-react-app you're pretty much good to go!

So how do I document?

Great question! Actually, if you have been a good developer and added prop types to your components already, those will automatically be made available in your generated docs. But you can do so much more!


Styleguidist automatically picks up JSDoc style comments from your code, and displays them in your documentation. Here is an example:

 * General button component, use for anything that involves *user interaction*
const Button = (props) => (
  <button className={`button button--\${props.type}`} onClick={props.onClick}>

Button.propTypes = {
  /** Primary is the most important ones, secondary is for when you already have a primary */
  type: oneOf(["primary", "secondary"]).isRequired,
  /** A function that's called whenever the button is clicked */
  onClick: func,
  /** Anything you want inside the button */
  children: node.isRequired,

This will create a beautiful table of properties and descriptions. Styleguidist also respects defaultProps, if you've specified those.


If you want a more immersive experience for your developer consumers, you can add a readme for a given component. Place a file named <COMPONENT_NAME>.md in the folder you've placed your component (I suggest you create each component in it's own folder), and describe how your component should be used. You can even add examples that will render in your documentation - and be fully interactive!

There are other tools also

Of course there are. There's react-docgen, and react-storybook, but in my mind - Styleguidist is in its league of its own. However, test them all out, and find the one that works for you!

Up next...


