
The power of let expressions

In the previous christmas articles we have seen how to destructure tuples, records, and single-value custom types in the function arguments. Today we take a look at how to destructure values in let expressions, along with some of the use-cases where I find this the most helpful.

3 min read


By Ragnhild Aalvik


December 4, 2020

When writing functions, we often need to define some values in a let expression to simplify the function body. Let's look at a small example:

getName : String
getName =
        firstName =

        lastName =
    firstName ++ " " ++ lastName

This is fine, but let expressions are more powerful than just defining single constants! 💪 They can be used to destructure compound values such as tuples, records, and custom types. To illustrate this, we look at examples from the three previous articles of this series and modify them by moving the destructuring into a let expression. If you haven't read the previous articles you should take a look at them now to get some context.

Destructuring tuples (from day 1)

In the first article of this series we saw how to destructure tuples in the function arguments. Now, we use the same example to do the same destructuring in a let expression:

canDrive: (Bool, Bool) -> String
canDrive ageAndLicenceStatus =
        (oldEnough, hasLicence) =
    if oldEnough && hasLicense then
        "Allowed to drive"

        "Not allowed to drive"

In this example it would probably be just as simple to destructure the tuple directly in the function arguments, but now you know that this is possible, too!

Destructuring records (from day 2)

We can do the same thing with records, inspired by the example in the second article of this series:

type alias CartItem =
    { unitPrice: Int
    , amount: Int
    , description : String

calculateTotal : CartItem -> Int
calculateTotal wholeItem =
        { unitPrice, amount } =
    unitPrice * amount

Also here one could ask Why not just destructure the record directly in the arguments? One could just do that, but what technique to use and when is often based on personal preferences. In the case of records, I would personally prefer destructuring it in a let expression.

Destructuring single-constructor custom types (from day 3)

I guess you see the pattern now, and that you already see that the example from yesterday can also be destructured like this:

type Weight
    = Weight Float

type Height
    = Height Float

bodyMassIndex : Weight -> Height -> Float
bodyMassIndex height weight =
        (Weight weightFloat) =

        (Height heightFloat) =
    weight / (height * height)

My favourite use-cases

Having shown the power of let expressions, I want to share my favourite use-cases for them. I'm lucky to get to write Elm every day at work, and the following two examples are taken from an Elm app for doing journey searches.

First, let's take a look at the update function. The Model contains a passenger picker which handles everything related to adding passengers to a journey search. The passenger picker has its own Model and a typical update function returning a Model and a Cmd. When calling this update function from the outer update function, then let expressions come in very handy:

update msg model =
    case msg of
        PassengerPickerMsg subMsg ->
                (updatedPassengerPicker, passengerPickerCmd) =
                    PassengerPicker.update subMsg model.passengerPicker
            ( { model | passengerPicker = updatedPassengerPicker }
            , Cmd.map PassengerPickerMsg passengerPickerCmd


Here the return value from calling PassengerPicker.update is destructured directly in the let expression. This way we can easily put the updated passenger picker into the Model while at the same time returning the passenger picker Cmd.

Next is an example where we decide what type of situation message to display on a journey suggestion:

viewSituationMessage : Severity -> Html msg
        ( icon, backgroundColor, focusColor ) =
            case severity of
                Info ->
                    ( Icon.Info, Colors.Blue40, Colors.Blue80 )

                Warn ->
                    ( Icon.Warn, Colors.Yellow40, Colors.Yellow80 )

Here, we define three values which are all based on the state of severity. By using a tuple in the let expression, we can define all three values at the same time using only one case expression. In comparison, look how repetitive this code is, where the same check is done for all three values:

    icon =
        case severity of
            Info ->

            Warn ->

    backgroundColor =
        case severity of
            Info ->

            Warn ->

    focusColor =
        case severity of
            Info ->

            Warn ->

Scenarios like this, where multiple values are based on the same condition, are where I use this kind of destructuring the most. Other than reducing duplicated code, one great thing about this pattern is that one can easily see what values are "connected" and that will change under the same conditions. Pretty neat, huh?

P.S. The dog has nothing to do with the article. It's just here for cuteness 🐶