

People we follow

Looking for some inspiration? Something to learn? Here we give you a list of interesting people we follow. These people are worth listening to.

2 min read


By Robert Larsen


December 14, 2020


Creator of haveibeenpwned.com. Active author and speaker. https://troyhunt.com

Security researcher, entrepreneur and speaker. Creator of Report URI and Security Headers. https://scotthelme.co.uk/

Making videos about various IT-security topics. Active participant in hacking competitions. Check out his YouTube-channel.

Promoter of security & privacy, security evangelist. Founder of PasswordsCon.

The man behind Samy Worm on MySpace, and a lot more. Visit samy.pl.

Independent investigative journalist. Covers cybercrime, security and privacy. Author of 'Spam Nation'. Visit his blog.

Chief Hacking Officer, security consultant, public speaker and author. Previously on FBI's most wanted list. https://www.mitnicksecurity.co

YouTube BugBounty profile. Security expert, hacker, speaker. Check out his YouTube-channel and https://www.stokfredrik.com/

Founder of TurtleSec. Passionate about infosec, secure programming and security culture. Author and speaker. Visit patricia.no

Worked on IT policy and politics at ICT Norway for approx 12 years. Speaker and author.

Head of Security for Cash App at Square. Information security industry veteran. Active speaker and co-author of "The Art of Software Security Testing" and "The iOS Hacker's Handbook", among others. https://theta44.org/

Marcus Hutchins, stopped WannaCry. Cybersecurity, malware, hacking, programming and infosec. https://www.malwaretech.com

Roar Thon from the Norwegian National Security Authority. Also co-hosting their podcast.