
Today's posts

5 min read – UX, Design

User interviews generate lies

Sonja Porter thinks we should be more critical towards what we hear in user interviews, and instead use methods that don't ask users to lie.

3 min read – CSS

Contrast is boring—can't someone else do it?

Having sufficient contrast in your website is one of those things which are very important but still very boring to fix—especially if your site uses multiple background colours. Well, be bored no more! color-contrast() is (hopefully soon) here to save us! Let's learn what it does.

3 min read – Algorithms

Smoothing Out Noisy Signals Using Discrete Mollifier Transforms

We present a family of discrete regularization operators, suitably adapted to remove noise from time series data. The operators are discrete analogues of their continuous mollifier counterparts, which are well-known in the literature on partial differential equations for producing smooth approximations of irregular functions. In this article we demonstrate the utility of the noise reduction filters on electrocardiographic data, after which a technical discussion is presented in part two of this two-part series.

6 min read – Security

Luksusfellen for utviklere er å ignorere sikkerhetsgjeld

Produktet du ikke vedlikeholder er en voksende sikkerhetsrisiko som fort kan utvikle seg til å bli en kostbar affære.

3 min read – Design

Dagens designtips

Dagens designtips er en artikkelserie hvor forskjellige designere fra Bekk snakker om jobben de gjør, hvilke utfordringer de møter på, og kanskje kommer med et lite tips