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Today's posts

3 min read – Open Source

Why should you open source your product?

Such a simple question. But does it have an easy answer? Opening up your code base can seem a bit scary. Everyone can see your (bad) code and commit messages, and it's easier for evil people to find weaknesses or make fake copies of your product. But there are many good reasons for open-sourcing a project. Let's go through some of them.

14 min read – Java

Extend your super knowledge on Generics

We all know and appreciate Java Generics. It enables us to say "oh, this is a List of Strings", "oh, this is a Comparator for Integers", and the compiler will forbid you to add numbers to your list, or sorting your List of Strings by comparing Integers. Because it does not make sense. Before Generics was introduced in Java 5.0 in 2004, nothing was stopping you from expressing these nonsensical actions, and things would blow up when running your program, instead of being told already when writing the code that there is no way this will work.

20 min listen – Innovation

Er en smidig organisasjon?

Er mer enn bare en app og nettside? Hva skjer på baksiden? Og hva skal til for å unngå brune flekker på bananene? I denne kaffepraten har vi Hilde Johannessen fra og tidligere Bekker. I tillegg har vi Hilde Marie Flesland Torall, Pia Solheim og Moquan Chen.

7 min read – Machine Learning

Fantasy Premier League with data science

Helping you pick the top team for Boxing Day!

7 min read – UX

Four Definitions of Design

6 min read – The Cloud

Fan-out/fan-in for high scalability with Durable Functions

Serverless computing has been with us for some years now, and has been "production ready" for quite a while. Services like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions allow us to create highly scalable services with minimal overhead where you only pay for what you actually need. Azure Durable Functions is an extension of the Azure Functions family that lets you create stateful functions. This is useful for a lot of different scenarios, including the fan-out/fan-in pattern, which we will look into in this blog post.

6 min read – Functional

Making a small Haskell application

10 min read – Security

Ransomware, an introduction

If you haven't lived under a rock the last couple of years, the term Ransomware isn't something new. It grinds the largest corporations to a complete halt and can take months to recover from. But how does it really work? And how should you protect yourself?

4 min read – JavaScript

New kid on the block

The world of front end frameworks is always evolving. For years it was dominated by jQuery and Backbone, but these days we hear most talk about React and Vue. However, there is another framework that hasn't been talked about so much, namely Svelte. Although this framework is actually three years old, it had a rebirth in April this year with the release of its third major version.

3 min read – CSS

Pseudo classes? More like pseudo awesome

7 min read – React

Two Applications, One Repository

When you’re developing similar apps for the web and native platforms, it's hard to find a project structure that works well. Let's take a look at how our team is approaching this challenge for maintaining different view layers, while sharing most of the business logic.

2 min read – Kotlin

Lists vs. Sequences

The Kotlin library comes with several container types. Two of these are List and Sequence. At the first glance these two look quite similar, but we will look at the differences in this article.