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Today's posts

9 min read – Strategy

Kan man forme kulturen når man arbeider med strategi?

I går skrev vi at kulturen i en organisasjon er avgjørende for å lykkes med å levere på målene vi har satt oss og lykkes med vår strategi. Vi snakket også om at kultur er komplekst, nettopp fordi det formes av hvordan vi mennesker samhandler med hverandre. Men, selv om det er abstrakt og komplekst så er kultur noe man både kan og bør arbeide aktivt med i hverdagen.

8 min read – Security

The data you give

He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you ‘we been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. This is a line of a popular Christmas song. It obviously refers to Santa Claus. However… What if this is true, not only for Santa, but for large companies worldwide. We’ll take a closer look on the data you give and the repercussions.

4 min read – React

Recoil.js - State management for React 🔥

4 min read – Kotlin

Bring your generic function type parameters back to life with the reified keyword

Reification. Like many other concepts, it can be applied in a number of different ways and it might carry slightly different meanings depending on the context. According to this definition, reification is simply the act of representing something abstract in a physical way. In Java, on the other hand, the term is used in the context of which types that are available to us at runtime. Additionally, in Kotlin we actually have a modifier keyword built into the language, namely reified. In this article we'll take a closer look at how reification and type erasure are connected, and more specifically how we can combine inline functions and reified type parameters in Kotlin to achieve things in generic functions that we normally would not be able to.

16 min listen – Innovation

Oslo vs Silicon Valley - what's the difference?

3 min read – Talks

Tips & tricks staying calm on stage

7 min read – Functional

Combinators - Inverting Top-Down Transforms

Today and tomorrow we are excited to have a guest writer sharing some of his thoughts on the topic of functional programming: Dillon Kearns, known for projects such as elm-graphql, elm-typescript-interop, and the Elm Radio podcast! We hope you enjoy!

4 min read – JavaScript

Raw GPU power with shaders in three.js

It is time to unleash the christmas spirit hiding behind that noisy fan in your computer. In this article, we will use shaders in WebGL to make animations no one could imagine in JavaScript before.

2 min read – Elm

Partial application of functions!

Currying (👈 which you read about in yesterday's post) enables partial application, which lets us split up functions into small logical building blocks which are easier to both read and work with.

3 min read – The Cloud

Terraform managed monitoring and alerting in GCP Stackdriver

You've got a Kubernetes cluster running your application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), managed by Terraform. Metrics from your cluster, from your app or any other instance in our cluster - what to do with them? Sure, you've got Metrics Explorer in GCP that lets you play around with the metrics. Another option is to create a monitoring dashboard by manually selecting the metrics, aggregations, alignments, etc. to be shown. However, this can also be managed with Terraform, allowing a lot more control over your monitoring.

6 min read – UX

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